Monday, July 23, 2007

pilot's logbook

7/23 CE-152 N69011 Lou Lou XW Landing, MP Operations,Slow Flight, MCA T&Go's landings: 7 1.2 hr. TK

Tony was waiting when I got there, asked me if I'd like to fly with him. It was a pleasant session.

Tony helped me notice something I've never seen before. I'm aiming to the left, both on downwind leg AND on the approach to the runway. (How many bazillion times has Mike said the same thing?) I think I'm looking at the line formed by the left side of the cowling and it's throwing me off. If I can correct this, I might be home free.

Tony emphasized rudder use, made sure I knew that you can turn the plane with just rudder. He talked about making rudder corrections well back from the touchdown.

Constant airspeed.

Hold nose up for entire landing roll--it's more maneuverable (ex. arm around yoke) and slows you down better.

Power control: Extend forefinger to feel how far in or out the throttle is.

I mistook 12-mile island for 6-mile island again, which made me look and feel stupid at one point. I guess eventually I won't do that anymore.

Radio is beginning to be the least of my problems. I usually understand what's going on, and I can pretty much just say whatever I need to.

Tony said whenever he asked me for judgment calls (too high? too low?) I gave him the right answers. That's progress.

Tony asked me about what I teach, wondered if I'd be interested in teaching aviation.

You bet. Think I'll get there?

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