Monday, July 02, 2007

Pilot's logbook

First I fessed up to the great revelation--that I have not been paying attention to the displaced runway markings at Bowman, instead aiming to land the way we practice at Clark Co. Why? I think I had it in my mind that the markings on the runway had to do with surface quality or strength, as in you can take off, but you can't land, and never connected it to trees that have to be cleared. For some bizarre reason, I thought we were doing it that way to learn precision, and I didn't question it, even when Mike said things that should have clued me in. And he did.

The good thing about all this is it explains the mystery of why landing at Clark Co. is relatively successful, while at Bowman, it always goes south. AND now we can fix it.

Today was mixed. As usual. Mike had wanted to do touch-and-goes and then go to the practice area, but we never got past the touch-and-goes. Notes:

Checklist: If you get off, re-start at the top, run down the list to the last item done, and then continue. Better than going bottom to top.

Altitude going over to Clark Co.--keep it at 1700 until we get to the river, then DON't climb. We're going back down.

"Clark County UNICOM, Cessna 69011 requests Airport Advisory."

"Clark County Traffic, Cessna 69011, 3 miles SE of the airport, will be crossing midfield to enter left downwind Runway 36. Clark County."

Come in at a right angle to midfield, at 1500 ft."Clark County Traffic, Cessna 69011 is crossing midfield at 1500 ft, will be turning left downwind for runway 36, touch-and-go, Clark County."

Right rudder on takeoff, still not smooth enough.

Once or twice we weren't climbing at all, even though I was at Vy. Should I put in 10ยบ flaps at that point?

Turn to crosswind too shallow, not always coordinated. Sometimes it feels as if we'll never get there, either. Keep watching airspeed on the turn, it's too easy to lose too much.

Pattern: Keep it tight. Keep traffic in sight.

Use Aileron to correct drift. Rudder to correct alignment. The plane is almost always tipped to the left. Why? Straighten it up.

Aim for the 500-ft marks.

Flare--even when correcting for drift. Still have to.

Departure from Clark Co. Which way do we go? What do we say?

Aimed for 12-mi island instead of 6-mile. Red roofs are in between the two, upriver from 6-mi. What else is there?

Right base for runway 24. Fly the plane. Where to start landing. How. (altitude) What (start with carb heat), when.

*Write out all the radio calls for all the possible comings and goings. Also to and from Bowman.

*Listen to LiveATC and transcribe.

Throwing things in a box. A maggie look. 25.
What model car, engine? Beta, except finance. cartoonist for Disney.

Next lesson: Find a road that's going crosswind. Follow it, using descent and airspeed like final approach.

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