Saturday, July 21, 2007

pilot's logbook

7/21 Saturday N69011 Lou Lou Touch & Go's landings: 10 1.2 hr. ZC
Zach was planning hood work, but I asked him to take us six times around the pattern. Worked like a charm.

It's getting the rhythm that mattered, and in this case, I could tell that he teaches landing differently than Mike, and we'd likely be in some kind of seesaw tugofwar forever if I didn't get clear what he's looking for.

Runway 6, wind from NW, 10 knots. Big bunch of helium balloons in front of us. A flock of birds that ATC offered to run off, but couldn't get them to scatter.

Takeoff: leave flaps in one notch (won't need it for solo). Look ahead (hospital on right, check behind if you want) to come out straight off the runway. Climb out at 67 kt. Take flaps up just before turning crosswind at 500 ft. above takeoff altitude (1,000 ft at Bowman).

Turn downwind, keep climbing to 1500 ft. Level off, power to cruise, and trim for hands-off flight.

At the numbers, carb heat on, power back to 1500, flaps when in range, let the nose drop to pitch for 75, turn base and come out on base at 70, flaps when wings are level. You can lose 200 ft. on that first turn. OK.

Turn final. Airspeed should be 65 coming in.

Flare, hold it level in ground effect, then at drop, nose up for landing.

Use air for brake if stopping. Pull all the way off, use checklist for post-landing and securing.

Zach was pleased. Said if there was gas in the plane, he'd send me to solo tonight. I said it's ok, we'll do it tomorrow.

I think we should start with the 6 landings again tomorrow.


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