Friday, June 29, 2007

Pilot's logbook

6/29 Touch & Go's at Bowman Field
Runway 24. Crosswind landings.

(Twilight Zone theme here) Pattern too big. Pulled it in, turn downwind just over Watterson, turn base w. KT practically under. Hardest was trying to correct for drift, either not enough or overcorrected. Mike had to save two of them. Broke glide slope as often as not. Or came in too high.

As soon as you figure out you're too high, too low, drifting, correct immediately. Use right aileron, left rudder for forward slip to landing.

End--long taxi all the way to G, pull across the line, clean up the plane, contact tower same as usual.

This Saturday I'll fly with Zach for a short session.

Lisa sent Mike out to catch me with an Air Center One shirt. "Real pilots do props."

ps. We didn't do "six."
pps. "This mother's going flying."

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