Wednesday, June 06, 2007

pilot's logbook

6/6 C-152 N89933 Lou Lou Touch & Go’s 12 1.6 hr. MB

Altitude on takeoff, be sure and get at least Vy at the very beginning, if not, take it to Vx to get out off the end of the runway. Airspeed & altitude are the only things to be looking at until 800 ft.

Keep it square, tight. Consistent descent. Turn base between Kaden Tower and the two cranes. Airspeed on approach 70 or less. Can’t use glide slope for height, because if you came in all the way on it, and had engine trouble, you wouldn’t make it. Can’t break glide slope, either.

Power is usually out at the time the cowl touches the beginning of the runway.

"Wings level." When I pull the nose up, I’m not pulling up straight, maybe, and that banks us to the right.

“How high are we?”

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