Monday, September 10, 2007

pilot's logbook

9/10 C-152 N89933 Lou Lou X-wind touch & go's, engine out procedure .9hr ZC

Next time Zach drags his feet, I'll figure he just might have his reasons.

We waited all day for the weather to change, and when we got a good report on the METAR, I showed him. He looked at it and didn't say anything. About a half-hour later I put my books up and went out for a while. When I came back, he was checking something, and he didn't really look at me, but said if I wanted to go preflight, go on out and he'd meet me.

So I did. And we did go.

The winds were not as benign as the report would have us think, and it was cross-wind, but also changing. Anyway, long story short, I certainly didn't feel as if Zach was "expendable," and it was good experience--just not the one we'd hoped for.

Engine-out: if the real thing happened from a point on downwind, (which is where it usually happens, when tower wants a short approach), I'd just make a nice smooth U-turn, slip down to the runway, and put her down in the middle. No tempting trees.

On climbout, don't be distracted by anything. Fly the plane. Door coming open, radio, whatever.
wait 'til level flight to deal with the door.

Aileron correction for drift: Do it right away. Don't be too subtle. The wings aren't going to touch the ground.

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