Sunday, November 14, 2004

Letters to John Kerry, John Edwards

Dear John Kerry, John Edwards,
Thank you.
I hear you call to bridge the partisan divide. I pledge to continue voicing, with determination, the concerns, the ideals that you fought so hard for during the campaign. This includes but is not limited to, the environment, education, and health care.
Signed, A.A., Kentucky and Ohio campaign

Dear John Kerry, John Edwards,
Thank you for giving us hope. Thank you for making us believe that we could come together to make our country a truer, more honest place to live.
I hear your call to bridge the partisan divide. I pledge to continue to support the values that I believe in which are the ones I believe you embody. I voted my values and you got my vote. I will not go back to sleep. I am awake.
Signed, D.R. ATR

Dear John Kerry, John Edwards,
Thank you for working so hard for the past years on the campaign--that's a big sacrifice and a lot of work. I'm disappointed that you were not elected but the work goes on.
I hear you call to bridge the partisan divide. I pledge: keep listening to people's deep desires keep working in my own neck of the woods to make the world a better place keep looking for the good, the truth, the beauty and find common ground.
Signed, C.B.

Dear John Kerry, John Edwards,
Thank you for inspiring us. Thank you for a vision of what we can be. Thank you for standing up for integrity of Law and Democratic process. John Kerry, thank you for your work to end the war in Vietnam. That story has inspired us, especially my children.

I hear your call to bridge the partisan divide. I pledge:
* To write a letter to someone (newspaper, etc.) once a week
* To learn how to speak to people who don't already agree with me
* To finish my schoolwork, integrating what I have learned in this election
* To seriously consider the Libertarian and Green political parties
* To make a home for progressive values in the spirituality emerging around me

John and John, we expect you to continue.
Any government leader who does not stand up for Law and Democratic Process is a patsy. Hold their feet to the fire.
And count those votes!
Signed, M.H.

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