Sunday, November 28, 2004

Chant at St. Joe

First Sunday of Advent 7 am mass

Entrance Song: O Come, O come Emmanuel # w. organ

Resp. Psalm from missalette, chant verses, a capella
Alleluia Show us Lord, your love, and grant us your salvation.

POG (cantor and schola)
Ad te levavi anima meam:
Deus meus in te confido, non erubescam:
neque irrideant me inimici mei:
et enim universi qui te exspectant, non confundentur.
(Graduale Triplex)
(To you, my God, I lift up my soul.
I trust in you.
Let me never come to shame.
Do not let my enemies laugh at me.
No one who waits for you is ever put to shame.) (Fr. Columba Kelly english chant)

Eucharistic acclamations: Sanctus: (Mass XVIII)
Christ has died (Danish)
Amen (Danish)
Agnus Dei (Mass XVIII)

Communion (choir) John 6:57
Qui manducat carnem meam, et bibit sanguinem meum, in me manet, et ego in eo, dicit Dominus. Graduale Triplex
(“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood, remains in me, and I in him,” says the Lord.) Chant mode VIII

Sending: Organ Postlude On Jordan's Bank
All went well. The people sang strongly with us. I taught the Sanctus before mass.
The latin and its translation was printed in the worship aid. Yess!!!! Thank you, Vivian!
Next liturgy for this group: Fourth Sunday of Advent 7 am
Rehearsals: the next 3 Wednesdays 1-2, possibly a Friday.
I want to make some arrangements for someone to bring communion to the choir loft, if possible.
And David wants to approach people in neighboring parishes, which makes good sense to me.
Frank won't be able to attend daytime rehearsals, can we record? Sure. Just have to remember.

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