Friday, March 02, 2007

War Ethics

Funny how easily we confuse "The Military" with "the troops." As a Catholic Christian, should I support the United States Global Military Complex, that gargantuan, weapon-spewing, violence-dispensing machine that all too often negates the humanity of its enemies and its members alike?
Or should I support those Americans whose patriotism, youth, and/or economic need are being taken advantage of by violence profiteering?
Jesus gave a direct answer to his followers. When confronted with a violent situation, he healed the attacker whose ear was cut off by a disciple, even though his own existence and the existence of his fellowship was threatened by a crowd with swords and clubs. Jesus stopped the disciples from violent retribution. Jesus actually protected the "enemy" with his Word.
If Jesus says "No violence" even to protect himself (Son of God), what values should we be presumptuous enough to say are worth "protecting" by violence?
Support the troops. Bring them home.
Support God's children. Put away the sword.

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