Saturday, January 15, 2005


Breakfast at Denner
We drove to Strassburg, France with Philip and Laura.
Autobahn. Philip is good. He was upset, though, because even though it was very cold, the sun was shining in Heidelberg for the first time in weeks. As we left Heidelberg, though, the fog and clouds closed in. We sang sun songs.
Strassburg Cathedral of Notre Dame, once the tallest building in the world. I sang, of course.
The town was Roman ‡ German ‡ French.
Dog piles had little signs on them. (Go figure!)
Christmas decorations and medieval streets.
Gas, grocery ad home.
Dinner w. Dagmar, Martin and Eva. Pork and spatezle; salads, cheese and wine dessert, then ice cream dessert!

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