Monday, August 02, 2004

Frequent worshippers tend to cast GOP vote

Frequent worshippers tend to cast GOP vote

How much of this has to do with mannerisms, tone of voice and speaking/preaching style?

I've ordered two books by Noam Chomsky, whom I respect as a linguist, who seems to have done some work on this politics/control area.

I also ordered the 9/11 Commission report (only $8, very readable) , which, I am gratified to see, appears to make the assertion that the terrorist problem is not a nationalist situation, and conventional war is an inappropriate means to deal with the problem.

That's a lot of reading to do.

I'm also working on Deus, Deus meus, respice (Psalm 22) from Palm Sunday. What a compelling, haunting, piece of prayer. It seems to fit the subject matter of our times, doesn't it? I keep thinking of people caught in our military and money-flow horrors.

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