Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What's wrong with this picture?

I just got cable television. We were privileged to see the President's press conference in Crawford, Texas, where he answered questions about, among other things, Cindy Sheehan.

The staging was interesting. President Bush is standing in his blue shirt-sleeves, talking earnestly like a good-ole-boy. Mr. Cheney is wearing some kind of windbreaker jacket outfit, and Dr. Rice is wearing a pantsuit outfit and low heels.

The dirt road is in the background, and the President, at least, is made up to look as if he belongs there, unless you realize that the whole country is experiencing a heat wave and these people are all all standing out in the sun.

What good ole country boy wouldn't have the sense to stand in the shade?

All hat, no cattle.

Brings to mind the 30,000 Boy Scouts who were forced to stand in the sun and heat for many hours so that the President could console them on their losses recently.

What kind of judgment is going on here?

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