Thursday, August 18, 2005

Cindy Sheehan

We held vigil last night with Cindy Sheehan.

We, too, believe that our government is NOT answering the following questions:

Why did we go to war?
How many have died because of this?
When will our military come home?


Anonymous said...

Cindy Sheehan is a grieving mother, but she is a nutcase too. She dishonors her son's sacrifice. Her son and I both volunteered for the armed services. We served our country proudly and, contrary to what you see on the news back here at home, were engaged in a winning mission. Ms. Sheehan has the constitutional right to say and do whatever she wants. But I can tell you for a fact that you all are hurting the morale of my fellows and mates who are still out in the field. You have a constitutional right to speak your opinions, but it's morally repugnant to me to see you hurt those of us who chose to serve our country. You're a disgrace.

Maggie Hettinger said...

Are those who serve our country the only ones being hurt?

Too many. Too many. Too many.