Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Chant at St. Joe

Today we rehearsed for 4th Sunday of Advent. Only three of us there, Shirley has laryngitis, Sharon is babysitting her new grandchild, and Frank won't be able to come during the day. Dave came, and Shaun (who is dealing with a horrible pinched nerve).

For You O Lord: decided to take it down a step.
Ecce Virgo: After listening to last week's recording, we tried to make the diction so explicit that the Engligh words HAD to come thru. It was painfully difficult. We. Spoke. Every. Sound. Then listened to the recording, and it was much better, not overdone, but still not quite good enough. I'm going to get Amy to listen to the recording with me, and help me figure out how we can have that much clarity, but without sacrificing the flow of the words.

Diction: Everything needs more S. Remember to make English Emmanuel different than Latin. English verse entrances were not together. Final consonants are still getting lost: EmmanueL, concipieT, filiuM, exclaiM. Learn how to sing "enemies."

After rehearsal, we were leaving, but the door up above the choir area was open, so I peeked in. Then went up. We went up three flights of dusty, ancient stairs, past the balcony of the trumpet row, up higher than the ceiling. And even there, when you looked up, there were more steps (from somewhere, who knows?) leading on up into the steeple. Wow! We weren't sure how stable the flooring was going to be, but you KNEW those huge beams everywhere were solid. What construction!

At youth choir, Amy rehearsed Veni, Veni, Emmanuel, singing and walking, for Christmas Eve with the Herde Family choir. Also, we rehearsed Resonet in laudibus , which is fun, with dance steps, tamborine, clapping, and dramatically-spoken English verses.

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