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From: MIT OpenCourseWare Newsletter <>
Date: January 20, 2011 4:17:05 PM EST
Subject: Science Policy Bootcamp, The Memoir, and Introducing OCW Scholar
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In maggie's January 2011 Newsletter:
New Courses | OCW Scholar | Updated Courses
Highlights for High School | Views from SupportersNew Courses
- 4.205 Analysis of Contemporary Architecture
- 7.345 Survival in Extreme Conditions: The Bacterial Stress Response
- 18.786 Topics in Algebraic Number Theory
- 21L.310 Bestsellers: The Memoir
- ESD.273J Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- ESD.712 Tools for Analysis: Design for Real Estate and Infrastructure Development
- ESD.864 Systems Modeling and Assessment for Policy
- ESD.934 Engineering, Economics and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector
- RES.STP.001 Science Policy Bootcamp
- SP.733 Special Topics at Edgerton Center: Developing World Prosthetics
- STS.025J Making the Modern World: The Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective
Introducing OCW Scholar - New Course Materials for Independent Learners
OCW is pleased to announce - OCW Scholar - new courses designed for independent learners to gain proficiency in introductory college-level science, mathematics, technology and other foundational subjects.
The courses are arranged in logical sequences and include a number of resources such as lecture videos, detailed course notes, self-assessment tools, help and homework videos, and solutions to exams and sample problems.
OCW Scholar courses are also supported by OCW's pilot program with OpenStudy, which encourages fellow learners to collaborate and turn to each other for questions, answers and discussions.
The first five courses in the OCW Scholar series are:
- 3.091SC Introduction to Solid State Chemistry
- 18.01SC Single Variable Calculus
- 18.02SC Multivariable Calculus
- 8.01SC Physics I: Classical Mechanics
- 8.02SC Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
We would love to hear what you think of these courses. Please send your feedback to:
> Find out more about these courses
Updated Courses
- 1.258J Public Transportation Systems
- 3.40J Physical Metallurgy
- 6.035 Computer Language Engineering
- 6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science
- 14.126 Game Theory
- 15.083J Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
- 21H.968J Nature, Environment, and Empire
- ESD.77 Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization
- SP.725 D-Lab: Medical Technologies for the Developing World
Highlights for High School
To help celebrate MIT's sesquicentennial (150th) anniversary, the MIT Museum has collected quite a few objects and stories that highlight the Institute's history and innovation.
One of the objects on display is the wrecking ball professor Walter Lewin has used in his classes to illustrate various laws of physics.
See how he risks his life to explain the conservation of mechanical energy in the work, energy, power section of Highlights for High School.Views from Supporters
"I have decided to invest in MIT OCW as I think it's a beautiful and powerful concept. I have spent hundreds of hours learning learning neuroanatomy from Prof. Gerry Schneider's classes. As neuroscience is my own research area these courses have been invaluable to me. At this point, I've been become addicted to MIT OCW and have moved onto other subjects outside my primary research area, including genetics, computer programming and sociobiology. I am happy to be able to donate to the MIT OCW project, and I hope that it will continue to grow and receive the goodwill it deserves from the wider community."
-Laurence, Student, Ireland
Tell us what you think of OCW at
We hope you were able to learn something new today, or refresh your skills from any of the courses in this month's newsletter.
Please consider showing your support and help keep OCW going and growing.
Donate today.OCW is grateful for the support of:
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