Monday, March 27, 2023

Transition Time 2.0

This coming full moon marks the time people all over the world remember transition--leaving the known for unknown territory. 

We know the story. Moses in a basket, enslavement under Pharaoh, centuries of suffering, unheeded plagues, disease, cataclysmic events. Exodus. Rebellion at Massah and Meribah. Moses led the Israelites out of slavery into a new promised land. Great, right?  

Tradition tells us it didn't start out that way.  

After four centuries of being slaves, the Israelites wouldn't have known how to live independently. Their lives had been all about building pyramids to the wealthy. Life essentials--food and shelter--came from the masters, food probably cooked and distributed at the workplace. They were frightened and confused. And really angry.

To them, traveling the “wilderness” was shockingly impossible. There was no food distribution. They yelled, “Are we going to die here of thirst with our livestock and our children?” 

Moses knew he was likely to get stoned, but with the help of his God, he persisted.

Looooong story short, (behold!) the wilderness of the natural world provided manna, honey, and water from the rock. There WAS food and shelter in that new space, and a civilization to rebuild. The Israelite communities learned to be free again. 

This life-changing reawakening has been retold for three thousand years.

We are at one of those great transitional inflection points right now, and it might not seem so great. The fossil fuel yolk of Earth is behind us now. We have to pass through to a different life. Can we do it well?  Can we free ourselves from the gas pump and the coal mine that have enslaved so many lives in the past and continue to do so today? 

A disturbed Earth is telling us there is no time to waste. Benign wind and sun are ready to support our communities. We have the technology. Thousands of scientists, engineers and planners have worked for years to put it all together for us.  

It’s time. Reach out your hand. 

We are all leaders in some sphere, and it's our chance to do this with grace, compassion and love. Simplify your life, weatherize homes, electrify everything, rebuild community for closeness and intimacy. Revere and restore the natural world. Just find a piece of the puzzle that matters to you and start wherever you live and work.  

There is lots of help. Look at: 
The Climate Book:The Facts and the Solutions -- Greta Thunberg, ed.