Touch and go's at Bowman. Not great, not bad. Then to Clark Co. Zach is always fast to do things. Radio--I need to be sure, long before we get to Six Mile Island, the frequency of the automatic info for Clark Co. What is it? What is the frequency?
Coming back, there was a convergence at Six-Mile Island. ATC kept us apart.
Landings: Airspeed. 70, 65-60. Need more right rudder at flare & touchdown.
Afterwards, Jacob and I did a little X-Plane. I found out my joystick has a twist motion. He sets it for rudder. I also like where he puts the trim--on the top buttons.
When I was getting ready to go, a lady (Margaret) came in looking for a brochure to the Lexington Aviation Museum, which a volunteer had told her about on the phone yesterday.
Everybody was mystified.
Then, since it was early, and I didn't want to go home, I bopped over to Eagle Flight next door to look for Christine. She wasn't there, but Brian was. As I was leaving, Margaret drove up, still looking for her brochure. Long story short, the "Bowman Field" number in the phone book rings at Standiford field. Her grandson is a good candidate for monthly flight lessons from Grandma. Brian grew up in Spain, only came to this country 4 years ago. The porch there is the best place on the field to hang out. I was working thru the Gleim book and yakking. Ken Figa is my brother Bill's friend's brother, and he (Ken) flies the Ambulance plane and is an instructor at Eagle Flight, and invited me to come back and bring my flash cards and rehearse for orals.
Tony asked me if I could stay and talk to him a minute. He needs somebody to answer the phone, would I be interested? I gave him my schedule. Will trade my hours for airplane hours (no, not one for one). I said yes, will start next week. We'll see how it goes.
Frank and I went back to Clark County Airport to see the B-17 "Liberty Belle." Met two people, one pretty young who live in the neighborhood and knows amazing things about airplanes. I sent him the information for a free ride in a taildragger with the Bowman Eagles.
Zach says, "Need to finesse landings, then solo, then cross country."