Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Cindy's questions and mine

WHY are they dying?
WHEN will it end???
It's about Oil.
It's about Domination.
It's about Money
& Freedom to exploit.
It's NOT about Democracy.

Whose children will be sacrificed today?

Research and "science" in education


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Cindy Sheehan

We held vigil last night with Cindy Sheehan.

We, too, believe that our government is NOT answering the following questions:

Why did we go to war?
How many have died because of this?
When will our military come home?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What's wrong with this picture?

I just got cable television. We were privileged to see the President's press conference in Crawford, Texas, where he answered questions about, among other things, Cindy Sheehan.

The staging was interesting. President Bush is standing in his blue shirt-sleeves, talking earnestly like a good-ole-boy. Mr. Cheney is wearing some kind of windbreaker jacket outfit, and Dr. Rice is wearing a pantsuit outfit and low heels.

The dirt road is in the background, and the President, at least, is made up to look as if he belongs there, unless you realize that the whole country is experiencing a heat wave and these people are all all standing out in the sun.

What good ole country boy wouldn't have the sense to stand in the shade?

All hat, no cattle.

Brings to mind the 30,000 Boy Scouts who were forced to stand in the sun and heat for many hours so that the President could console them on their losses recently.

What kind of judgment is going on here?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dear Representative Ron Lewis,

I’m writing to express my extreme disappointment in learning that you voted for the 2005 energy bill and its billions of dollars in giveaways to coal, oil, and nuclear companies.

Nuclear power is not a safe option, although its construction will generate lots of money to big business entities. Any resulting catastrophes, which are bound to happen sooner or later, will generate cash flow as well, I suppose. Maybe that's the reasoning behind support of nuclear power?

I have spent time in Heidelberg, Germany, and have noticed that a more "green" lifestyle is not only a long-term benefit for the future of the people, but generates short-term, immediate well-being in a better lifestyle. Everyday life is much better. People enjoy themselves more, and are not caught up in the ratrace of "consume, consume, consume, work, work, work" that we are saddled with here in the US.

I hope you will go back to the drawing board before the next election and craft a truly forward-thinking national energy policy that includes the following: 1) An end, not an increase, to coal and oil subsidies; 2) A significant increase in funding for energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy programs – the quickest way to reduce our oil dependence; 3) An immediate and significant upgrade of the CAFE standards (Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency) on new cars and light trucks; 4) A comprehensive set of tax incentives for energy-efficient technologies and appliances; 5) Adoption of the Hannover Principles as guidelines for planning.

Please show that you care more about the well being of the people of our state than you do about increasing the already huge profits of coal and oil companies. Please lead the way back to the drawing board and immediately set to work on a national energy plan based on efficiency, conservation and renewable energy. We need a forward-thinking plan with real goals, real benchmarks, real dates for reaching energy sustainability.

I look forward to hearing from you on what you plan to do.